Freedom Friday

Today in Melbourne, “Freedom Friday” is upon us..

For many this new way of living may create anxiety, it may be overwhelming, confronting and bring fear of the unknown. For some all caution may be replaced with excitement.

Here are three tips that may assist us in adjusting to Freedom and living as fully vaccinated.

1/ Allow yourself permission to process the days to follow. It is ok to be cautious if you wish to start socialising with smaller groups initially before entering the greater community once again.

2/ Avoid any unnecessary conflicts of difference of opinions related to vaccines, instead respect one another and pursue what makes you happy.

3/ Listen to your higher self, if you feel the need to still wear a mask in crowded areas. Do so with confidence and enjoy that well deserved pampering that has been brushed aside because of restrictions in our state.

Embrace today transformed into butterflies with positivity and mindfulness to still stay safe with better day to follow.

Congratulations Melbourne!


Kinetic Sand


Paper Towel Butterfly tree