
Burnout is something we just don’t talk about and yet it affects people from all walks of life and professions across Australia.

For example, with Teachers and Early childhood Educators, over 30,000 quit per year from burnout.

What is Burnout?

It is pure exhaustion. In a sense our body can feel drained of all energy and hope.

What are the signs?

* Lack of Motivation.

It’s takes effort to get up, move, assist yourself and others.

* Sense of Detachment

We may use words such as, “What’s the Point” or “What choice do I have?”

* We can feel trapped or made to feel Guilty

“If I say “No”, then I may not get another shift as a casual or, I don’t want to hurt their feelings”

We can become a “People pleaser”. Sometimes just rephrasing “How” we say no can prevent Stress and Burnout.

What can we do to prevent this happening?

* See a professional. Art therapy is going to help you come to terms with whatever is stopping you having the life you deserve, creatively. Where words at times are not enough.

* Start to keep a journal and just write.

* Be mindful of your Macro and Micro self.

Macro are the being actions we can do such as, Taking a holiday, Engaging socially in a sport/hobby, Ensuring you are eating and sleeping appropriately.

Micro are our present and daily actions such as, switching off devices, having breaks, connecting to nature, pampering ourselves and so on.

* Write 3 things at the end of each day of gratitude.


Letting go of a Grudge